Kentucky-based CBD producer GenCanna Global Inc. will be featured as the Presenting Sponsor of the world’s largest hemp expo and conference
#NoCo6 will feature expanded exhibition space and educational programming, including a full-day business conference and farm symposium, on March 29-30, 2019, in Denver. More than 8,000 attendees are expected as industry businesses and thought leaders gather to create a vibrant future for the newly legal hemp market.
DENVER (January 16, 2019) – Following five years of exponential growth as the world’s largest hemp exposition and business conference, the NoCo Hemp Expo is moving its upcoming sixth annual event from Loveland, CO, to Denver’s Crowne Plaza DIA Convention Center.
As growers, producers and consumers consider a future that looks extremely optimistic after hemp was legalized under the game-changing 2018 Farm Bill, #NoCo6 promises to be the most dynamic expo and conference yet.
GenCanna™, a Kentucky-based company that focuses on scaling premium agricultural hemp production for food products to promote easy availability locally, nationally and globally, is the presenting sponsor of NoCo6. With a 150-acre agricultural campus near Winchester, GenCanna™ conducts groundbreaking research and commercialization of hemp processing methods and product development. With a $40 million processing plant in rural Kentucky under way, GenCanna™ has been growing rapidly to meet market demands.
“We are excited to have GenCanna™ join us this year as our Presenting Sponsor. GenCanna™ has been a leading company out of Kentucky since the 2014 Farm Bill passed, and has established itself as a market leader and an organization positioned to play a significant role in the expansion of the hemp industry for years to come,” said Morris Beegle, co-founder of Colorado Hemp Company, which produces the NoCo Hemp Expo, and will present the second annual Southern Hemp Expo in Nashville on September 6-7, 2019.
“The Southern Hemp Expo was excellent, and that’s where we made our decision to sponsor the upcoming NoCo6 in a bigger way,” said GenCanna™ Chief Sales Officer Garrett Bain. “We see it as an opportunity to tell the community at large what we’re doing, because 2019 is an important year for us. Our commitment to the hemp industry has been strong since 2014, and with the Farm Bill, we’ll see rapid evolution of hemp’s place in the American economy. We’re excited to be stewards in that marketplace and to come together with some of the greatest minds at NoCo6.”
NoCo Hemp Expo, the largest gathering of hemp industry professionals under one roof, will feature 70,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space, 225 exhibitors, a business conference and farm symposium, a global hemp village, science and technical workshops, and several networking events and after-parties. The Let’s Talk Hemp Business Conference, Let’s Talk Hemp Farm Symposium and the Bish Enterprises Equipment Zone will all be expanded this year. The event is expected to draw more than 8,000 attendees.
“We have built the biggest stage and best platform in the hemp space over the past five years to bring together industry experts, thought leaders and organizations as we curate a future for an industry that can truly and meaningfully impact the world in a positive way,” Beegle added.
Colorado Hemp Co. also recently launched a weekly e-newsletter, Let’s Talk Hemp, covering news, entertainment and trends in the emerging hemp products market to accompany its Let’s Talk Hemp podcast featuring industry leaders Morris Beegle and Rick Trojan. To subscribe, visit https://letstalkhemp.com/.
Video Presentation
Thank You to Our Sponsors
In addition to Presenting Sponsor GenCanna™, International Hemp Solutions is NoCo6’s Global Outreach Sponsor. Other sponsors include PureHemp Technology, Bluhen Botanicals, Elixinol, Bluebird Botanicals, SubZero Extracts, Palmetto Harmony, HGH Seed, Restorative Botanicals, Boulder Botanicals, Key to Life, Bish Enterprises and Nature’s Love.
Tickets Are On Sale Now
Tickets are now available for the Let’s Talk Hemp Business Conference, Farm Symposium and Expo Hall. For all ticket levels, information and to purchase tickets, visit our website.
About the NoCo Hemp Expo
The 6th Annual NoCo Hemp Expo is produced by the Colorado Hemp Company, a division of WAFBA LLC (We Are For Better Alternatives), based in Loveland, CO. WAFBA also is the producer of the 2nd Annual Southern Hemp Expo and founder of TreeFreeHemp paper and printing services. Areas of focus include product and brand development, event production, consulting and advocacy. Learn more at NocoHempExpo.com, or visit our YouTube Channel for a promo video about #NoCo6. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter, #NoCo6.